This site and event is intended for UK healthcare professionals

Karen Douglas

Karen Douglas

Dr Karen Douglas is a Rheumatology consultant at the Dudley Group NHS FT in the West Midlands.

She has a special interest in Systemic Sclerosis; she is the local rheumatology lead for clinical research and the biologic service. She has held several roles with the British Society for Rheumatology (BSR) including membership of theclinical affairs committee and involvement in service evaluation projects. 

As a member BSR Systemic sclerosis Guideline Development Group Karen is co-author in the guideline and being a keen researcher is an ongoing is a member of the UK Scleroderma Study Group.


Our speakers 2024

Our partners, sponsors and exhibitors 2024

Guidelines Live is an educational event made possible by sponsorship from organisations including pharmaceutical companies. Sponsors have had no input into the agenda of the meeting unless through sponsored session(s) as indicated on the main programme. A list of all sponsors can be found here.


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