This site is intended for UK healthcare professionals

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Where to go for Guidelines-related content and resources on 

All primary care-based healthcare professionals have free and easy access to an extensive catalogue of clinical guideline summaries on and via the Medscape App that are always up to date. In addition, online Guidelines summaries feature useful signposts to related resources on the same guidance, such as Guidelines in Practice articles or Primary Care Hacks.

Throughout 2025, the Guidelines in Practice team will publish videos of independent content from Guidelines Live 2024­–sign up to receive the Guidelines in Practice highlights emails to be informed about the latest content. 

Guidelines Live 2024: Event Highlights

On Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 November 2024, healthcare professionals working in primary care from across the UK convened at ExCeL London for Guidelines Live, a 2-day conference focused on clinical guidance for general practice. Over the 2 days, 48 expert speakers shared practical advice for the primary care team in 68 presentations on topics ranging from infection to cardiovascular disease to women’s health to practice management. In this article, members of the Guidelines in Practice team discuss the sessions they found most insightful at this year’s event.

Audience image facing presenter on stage

The Guidelines Live team would like to thank all delegates for attending Guidelines Live 2024 from Medscape. Since 2017, Guidelines Live has been a must-attend event for healthcare professionals working in primary care providing updates on the latest clinical guidance and hot topics to support best practice. Over that time, Guidelines Live has worked with a wide range of expert speakers and we thank them for their input; in addition, we have welcomed thousands of delegates, some of whom attend every year. The team is proud to have developed the show into what it is today with expert-GP led sessions and practical workshops and to have welcomed everyone during the events.

Frequently asked questions

Post-event, you will have received an email thanking you for attending. Included within this email is a link to a certificate of attendance form.

Once you have submitted this form, you will be sent an email with a link to download your certificate.

CPD certificates are sent out by the CPD Certification Service to all attendees once the content from the event has been validated. This can take several weeks.

The Guidelines Live team cannot give an exact date of delivery, however as soon as we are notified that certificates have been issued, we will send out an email informing all who attended the event.

You will have received an email thanking you for attending at 4pm on Wednesday 20 November 2024. Included in this email is a link to the digital resources and a password.

Video recordings of the independent sessions have now been added to the digital resources. 

Please access the digital resources using the link in the email noted above; note that the password is case-sensitive and will not work if there are spaces before or after the text.

Yes, all independent content included in the digital resources is validated by the CPD Certification Service and therefore any additional time spent engaging with the event content can be claimed. A reflection record has been included with all sessions in the digital resources, and this is a useful tool to reflect on the content and encourages continued professional development.

The digital resources will be available until 31 October 2025.

Content from Guidelines Live 2024 will be published throughout 2025 via Guidelines in Practice articles on and via the Medscape App.

Please note that you must be a member of Medscape to access the content. It is free to join and grants UK HCPs access to the latest clinical guidance wherever and whenever needed.

Unfortunately, as healthcare events are becoming less sustainable to run and 2024 was the last Guidelines Live event from Medscape. This change enables Medscape to focus its resources on the evolving needs of UK healthcare professionals from a purely digital perspective. By focusing on its core area of digital publishing, Medscape can ensure that the right digital content and resources are being offered to the widest audience possible.

All guidance-related content can be found on via the quick links in the footer of this page.

Companion edition from

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Companion edition from

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Companion edition from

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